PSC 6810 Chemicals

Federal Category 5.6: Industrial Products & Services Basic Materials

Naphtha Solvents; Water Softening Compounds; Tanning Materials, Natural or Synthetic; Dextrines and Starches; Inedible Gelatins; Acetone; Propellant Chemicals, Bulk not specialized solely for Guided Missile Use.

Medicinal Chemicals; Gases; Foundry Dextrines; Radiographic and photographic Chemicals; In Vitro Diagnostic Substances and Reagents.

Possible NAICS Codes
324191 – Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing
325998 – All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing
325199 – All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
325611 – Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing
325180 – Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing
325612 – Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing
325120 – Industrial Gas Manufacturing
325910 – Printing Ink Manufacturing