The following Product Service Codes (PSCs) are commonly associated with NAICS 333995, Fluid Power Cylinder and Actuator Manufacturing

PSC 1650 Aircraft Hydraulic, Vacuum, and De-Icing System Components

Federal Category 14.2: Sustainment S&E Engines, Components & Spt Eq

Aircraft Hydraulic, Vacuum and De-icing System Components

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Accumulators, Pumps, Motors, Actuating Cylinders, and Filters; De-icing Boots; Fluid Type De-icing Pumps, Valves and Filters; Vacuum System Oil Separators; Pneumatic Pressurization Equipment other than that for pressurizing cabins and compartments.

Jet Engine Hydraulic Components (FSC 2840); Valves specifically designed for air conditioning, heating. ventilating, cabin pressurizing, and thermal de-icing (FSC 1660); Valves specifically designed for use with Aircraft Engines (FSC 2840); Guided Missiles and Guided Missile Engines (FSC 1338); Landing Gear (FSC 1620), Wheel and Brake System Components (FSC 1630); Oxygen Breathing System Components (FSC 1660); In-flight Refueling System Hydraulic components (FSC 1680); Specifically designed hydraulic power steering system components (FSC 1620).

This class includes only those components specifically designed for aircraft use.

Possible NAICS Codes
336413 – Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
336411 – Aircraft Manufacturing
333998 – All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
333618 – Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing
332991 – Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturing
334511 – Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing

PSC 4810 Valves, Powered


PSC 2815 Diesel Engines and Components


PSC 3805 Earth Moving and Excavating Equipment

Federal Category 4.1: Facilities & Construction Construction Related Materials

Scrapers; Ditchers; Loaders; Graders; Special Construction Type Earth and Rock Hauling Trucks and Trailers, Special Individual Work and Power Sections of Construction Equipment with a quick connect/disconnect capability. The Power Section is designed to be coupled with a Work Section to form a functional piece of Construction Equipment.

Standard Tractors (FSG 24); Trailers (FSC 2330); Trucks (FSC 2320).

Possible NAICS Codes
333120 – Construction Machinery Manufacturing
333618 – Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing
333924 – Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing
336211 – Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing
336110 – Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
332994 – Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing
336120 – Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing
333998 – All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing

PSC 8120 Commercial and Industrial Gas Cylinders

Federal Category 7.1: Transportation and Logistics Services Package Delivery & Packaging

filled gas cylinders and items related to gaseous and liquefied gaseous dispensing systems, both mobile and installed. All components of installed gas dispensing systems are classified by "application" or "function" with the end equipment for which designed.

This class includes empty commercial and industrial gas cylinders and their caps, valves, and valve spare parts.

Possible NAICS Codes
336413 – Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
332420 – Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing
325120 – Industrial Gas Manufacturing

PSC 5998 Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, Boards, Cards, and Associated Hardware


PSC 4820 Valves, Nonpowered
